
Evolución / Evolution

El bressol de Selam

El bressol de Selam

Fuente: El Periódico de Catalunya

És un lloc hostil, extremadament càlid i pedregós. Exceptuant pastors nòmades, no hi ha ningú en almenys 30 quilòmetres a la rodona. "Jo vaig ser la primera persona que va conduir fins a aquell lloc, el 1999, i vaig necessitar quatre hores per fer els últims 30 quilòmetres amb un 4x4. Cap vehicle havia trepitjat aquell terreny". Així explica el paleontòleg etíop Zeresenay Alemseged el seu primer contacte amb Dikika, a prop del riu Awash, a la vall de Hadar, a la regió d'Afar, al nord-est de la gran Etiòpia, l'enclavament on mesos després les seves mans van desenterrar l'esquelet gairebé complet de Selam, la nena més antiga del món. En amhàric, la principal llengua del país, selam significa pau.
Alemseged, investigador de l'Institut Max Planck d'Alemanya, va estar la setmana passada a Barcelona, convidat per l'Obra Social La Caixa, per pronunciar una conferència sobre el descobriment que l'ha fet famós. Selam, presentada en societat l'any passat, és un fòssil d'Australopithecus afarensis d'un valor excepcional per qualsevol dels següents tres motius: la seva gran antiguitat, uns 3,3 milions d'anys; la seva excel.lent conservació, amb l'esquelet complet al 60% i alguns ossos extraordinaris per a èpoques tan remotes, com el hioide i l'omòplat, i finalment el seu desenvolupament anatòmic, ja que és un individu infantil d'uns tres anys, escassíssims en el registre fòssil mundial.
"¿Va ser sort? Jo crec que no. La troballa va ser possible gràcies a un treball sistemàtic que vaig iniciar el 1999 --explica Alemseged en una entrevista amb aquest diari--. Quan vaig arribar a Dikika, volia explorar sediments més antics que els trobats a Hadar, on va aparèixer Lucy (el famós A. afarensis que va ser descobert el 1974 en una zona pròxima), i em vaig plantejar una àrea de 500 quilòmetres quadrats. El 10 de desembre del 2000, quan vaig trobar els ossos, estava analitzant una de les zones previstes".
La desèrtica Dikika era fa 3,3 milions d'anys una regió molt biodiversa, amb sabanes i boscos on vivien hipopòtams, lleons, antílops, elefants i, per descomptat, australopitecs, unes curioses criatures d'aspecte simiesc que caminaven bípedes. "Avui és un desafiament viure allà --reitera el jove investigador--, però en temps de Selam i Lucy era una regió molt favorable perquè hi poguessin viure els nostres avantpassats".
Potser hi va haver altres enclavaments pròxims amb presència d'australopitecs, però a Dikika va ocórrer un succés miraculós: possiblement, la nena estava bevent o jugant arran d'un riu quan va ser sorpresa per una riuada que va descarregar en un llac. El seu cos va quedar cobert per sediments d'argila que es van soldar i van contribuir a la conservació. "La majoria dels paleontòlegs han de recompondre ossos trencats i buscar restes disperses de l'esquelet, mentre que jo vaig tenir el repte contrari: tenia els ossos units en una gran roca sedimentària i havia de separar-los amb molt de compte perquè no es fracturessin". Com que no es pot utilitzar àcid perquè les restes es fan malbé, el treball dels investigadors va durar cinc anys.
A la regió d'Afar, el moviment de les plaques terrestres ha anat traient a la llum fòssils que van quedar enterrats fa milions d'anys. Alguns afloren a la superfície. La riquesa paleontològica de la regió no té cap parangó al món per a èpoques tan remotes, ja que també hi han aparegut ossos d'Australopithecus anamensis (4,1 milions d'anys) i d'Ardipithecus ramidus (4,4 milions), però no és fàcil que Afar se'n beneficiï, assumeix l'investigador. "Els turistes que busquen llocs com Hadar o Dikika són molt escassos. El turisme vol veure obeliscos i esglésies".

Jaciment de primer ordre
Les restes es conservaran al museu nacional d'Addis Abeba, però Alemseged aspira a crear un centre d'interpretació situat relativament a prop de Dikika. "¡Com hem de tenir un museu al costat si no hi ha ni clínica ni escola! Però s'ha de vigilar, perquè els fòssils estan a l'aire lliure". A Dikika, convertit en un jaciment de primer ordre, ja hi treballen 35 persones amb patrocinis diversos.
L'investigador està orgullós de servir d'exemple per a una nova generació d'etíops: "La paleontologia va començar aquí en temps de Haile Selassie, es va paralitzar amb el règim comunista i ara es torna a despertar, però al meu país no hi ha ni la més mínima tradició investigadora. Tot i que afortunadament no sóc l'únic, sí que som pocs". Fins ara, tots els paleontòlegs a l'Àfrica eren estrangers. Alemseged és jove, però ja té deixebles.

Exposición "Atapuerca i l'evolució humana" , en Girona

Exposición "Atapuerca i l'evolució humana" , en Girona Exposició "Atapuerca i l'evolució humana"
Dirigida per Juan Luis Arsuaga, codirector de l'Equip d'Investigacions d'Atapuerca, la mostra ha estat creada pels investigadors per acostar als ciutadans la realitat d'un dels projectes científics més rellevants del nostre país. Es podrà visitar fins al 21 de gener de 2007, de dilluns a diumenge de 10 a 14 h i de 16 a 20 h.

Tancat els dies: 25,26 i 31 de desembre i l’1 i 6 de gener. També tancat les tardes de 24 de desembre i del 5 de gener.

Els taller es faran els dies 25, 26 de novembre, el 2, 3, 16 i 17 de desembre i el 13 i 14 de gener. Monitors de suport.
Dia 25, taller d’arqueologia de 12 a 13,30 i el de paleontologia, de 18 a 19,30.
Dia 26, taller d’art prehistòric de 12 a 13,30.
Dia 2 i 3, els mateixos horaris del cap de setmana 25 i 26.
Dia 16 i 17, els mateixos horaris del cap de setmana 25 i 26.
Dia 13 i 14, els mateixos horaris del cap de setmana 25 i 26.

Visites guiades:
OBERTES: Les visites es faran cada dia a les 7 de la tarda.
Els dissabtes i festius se’n farà dues : una al matí a les 12 i una al vespre a les 7. (possibilitat d’ampliar a 2 a les tardes).
ESCOLARS: a petició (presumiblement en horari de 10 a 12 o de 15 a 16).

La mostra està organitzada per la Fundació Caixa de Catalunya i Casa de Cultura. Per a més informació: 972.20.20.13

Not Just Nuts and Berries for These Hominids

Not Just Nuts and Berries for These Hominids

By Ann Gibbons
ScienceNOW Daily News
9 November 2006

The robust australopithecines of South Africa are often described as failed humans, having died out 1 million to 1.4 million years ago. Researchers believe their high-fiber, low-nutrient diets might have been too specialized to allow them to cope with a changing environment. A new report in tomorrow's issue of Science challenges this assumption, however, arguing that these close cousins of humans were much more culinarily adventurous than thought.

With their huge molars and massive jaw muscles, australopithecines have been portrayed as nutcrackers who crunched their way through seeds, nuts, and pulpy fruits. As Africa grew cooler and drier, however, these critical fall-back foods were hard to come by, supposedly leading to the hominid's downfall.

To test this theory, a team of American and British researchers studied the teeth of four individuals of Paranthropus robustus (also known as Australopithecus robustus) from the Swartkrans Cave in South Africa. The team scanned the teeth with a sensitive laser, which did not destroy the teeth but etched them lightly enough to free carbon gases long trapped in the enamel. Because different plants absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide differently, the researchers were able to see what types of vegetation the hominids ate based on the ratio of carbon isotopes in their teeth.

Their cuisine included a mix of tropical grasses and sedges, along with woody fruits, shrubs, and herbs, according to the findings. What's more, carbon samples from ridges laid down like tree rings in a single tooth revealed that the hominids switched between these diverse plants, depending on the time of year. The pattern held, regardless of when the hominids lived. Although the specimens date back to about 1.8 million years ago, each individual's lifetime was probably separated by thousands or tens of thousands of years, indicating that Paranthropus robustus was quite capable of dealing with changes in climate or different habitats. "We didn't expect to see as much variability as we found," says lead author Matt Sponheimer of University of Colorado at Boulder. "It was quite a surprise."

The new method is a huge improvement over old isotopic studies that required anthropologists to drill--and destroy--teeth to sample carbon, like prehistoric dentists, says paleoanthropologist Fred Grine of the Stony Brook University in New York. "Sponheimer's taken the analysis of carbon isotopes in fossils to a new level of sophistication," he says, adding that he hopes that fossil teeth--and diets--of earlier hominids can also be studied with the new nondestructive method.


Fuente: Science: 

Did evolution make our eyes stand out?

Did evolution make our eyes stand out?

Researchers test ‘cooperative eye’ hypothesis in humans and apes

By Ker Than
Updated: 7:57 p.m. ET Nov. 8, 2006

For humans, the eyes are more than just windows to the outside world. They are also portals inward, providing others with glimpses into our inner thoughts and feelings.

Of all primates, human eyes are the most conspicuous; our eyes see, but they are also meant to be seen. Our colored irises float against backdrops of white and encircle black pupils. This color contrast is not found in the eyes of most apes.

According to one idea, called the cooperative eye hypothesis, the distinctive features that help highlight our eyes evolved partly to help us follow each others' gazes when communicating or when cooperating with one another on tasks requiring close contact.

In a new study that is one of the first direct tests of this theory, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany looked at what effect head and eye movements had on redirecting the gaze of great apes versus human infants.

In the study, a human experimenter did one of the following:

  • Closed his eyes, but tilted his head up toward the ceiling
  • Kept head stationary while looking at the ceiling
  • Looked at the ceiling with both head and eyes
  • Kept head stationary while looking straight ahead
  • Results showed that the great apes — which included 11 chimpanzees, four gorillas and four bonobos — were more likely to follow the experimenter's gaze when he moved only his head. In contrast, the 40 human infants looked up more often when the experimenter moved only his eyes.

    The findings suggest that great apes are influenced more by head than eyes when trying to follow another's gaze, while humans are more reliant on eyes under the same circumstances.

    The study, led by Michael Tomasello, will be detailed in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Human Evolution.

    The small things
    Kevin Haley, an anthropologist at the University of California at Los Angeles, who was not involved in the study, told LiveScience he thinks the cooperative eye hypothesis is quite plausible, especially "in light of research demonstrating that human infants and children both infer cooperative intentions in others and display cooperative intensions themselves."

    Comparisons of human eyes to those of other primates reveal several subtle differences that help make ours stand out. For example, the human eye lacks certain pigments found in primate eyes, so the outer fibrous covering, or "sclera," of our eyeball is white. In contrast, most primates have uniformly brown or dark-hued sclera, making it more difficult to determine the direction they're looking from their eyes alone.

    Another subtle aid that helps us determine where another person is looking is the contrast in color between our facial skin, sclera and irises. Most apes have low contrast between their eyes and facial skin.

    Humans are also the only primates for whom the outline of the eye and the position of the iris are clearly visible. In addition, our eyes are more horizontally elongated and disproportionately large for our body size compared to most apes. Gorillas, for example, have massive bodies but relatively small eyes.

    The cooperative eye hypothesis explains these differences as traits that evolved to help facilitate communication and cooperation between members of a social group. As one important example, human mothers and infants are heavily reliant on eye contact during their interactions. One study found that human infants look at the face and eyes of their caregiver twice as long on average compared with other apes.

    Clue to our humanity
    Other ideas have also been proposed to explain why humans have such visible eyes. For example, white sclera might signal good health and therefore help signal to others our potential as a mate.

    Or, as one other recent study suggested, visible eyes might be important for promoting cooperative and altruistic behavior in individuals that benefit the group. The study, conducted by Haley and Daniel Fessler, also at UCLA, found that people were more generous and donated more money if they felt they were being watched — even if the watchful eyes were just drawings resembling eyes on a computer screen.

    Tomasello and his team note in their paper that "these hypotheses are not mutually exclusive, and highly visible eyes may serve all of these functions."

    If correct, the cooperative eye hypothesis could provide a valuable clue about when we became the social beings that we are. “It would be especially useful to know when in evolution human's highly visible eyes originated, as this would suggest a possible date for the origins of uniquely human forms of cooperation and communication,” Tomasello and colleagues write.

    © 2006 All rights reserved.


    Study Suggests Evolutionary Link Between Diet, Brain Size In Orangutans

    In a study of orangutans living on the Indonesian islands of Borneo and Sumatra, scientists from Duke University and the University of Zurich have found what they say is the first demonstration in primates of an evolutionary connection between available food supplies and brain size.

    Andrea Taylor deduced brain size by measuring orangutan skulls. (Photo Credit: Megan Morr / Courtesy of Duke University)

    Based on their comparative study, the scientists say orangutans confined to part of Borneo where food supplies are frequently depleted may have evolved through the process of natural selection comparatively smaller brains than orangs inhabiting the more bounteous Sumatra.

    The findings "suggest that temporary, unavoidable food scarcity may select for a decrease in brain size, perhaps accompanied by only small or subtle decreases in body size," said Andrea Taylor and Carel van Schaik in a report now online in the Journal of Human Evolution.

    Taylor is an assistant professor at Duke's departments of Biological Anthropology and Anatomy and of Community and Family Medicine. Van Schaik directs the University of Zurich's Anthropological Institute & Museum, and he also is an adjunct professor of biological anthropology and anatomy at Duke, where he had worked for 15 years.

    "To our knowledge, this is the first such study to demonstrate a relationship between relative brain size and resource quality at this microevolutionary level in primates," they said.

    Such a change would provide support for what Taylor called the "expensive tissue" hypothesis. "Compared to other tissues, brain tissue is metabolically expensive to grow and maintain," she said. "If there has to be a trade-off, brain tissue may have to give."

    "The study suggests that animals facing periods of uncontrollable food scarcity may deal with that by reducing their energy requirement for one of the most expensive organs in their bodies: the brain," van Schaik added.

    "This brings us closer to a good ecological theory of variation in brain size, and thus of the conditions steering cognitive evolution," he said. "Such a theory is vital for understanding what happened during human evolution, where, relative to our ancestors, our lineage underwent a threefold expansion of brain size in a few million years."

    In their study, Taylor and van Schaik focused on several varieties of orangutans, an endangered primate closely related to humans.

    Members of the orang species inhabiting Sumatra, called Pongo abelii, live in the island's most favored environment, where soils are best for growing the fruits they most like to eat. "They'll eat fruits as often as they can, and they'll travel farther away for them if not nearby," Taylor said.

    Sumatra also appears to be less subject to periodic "El Niño" climatic fluctuations that disrupt vegetative growth on other islands in the Indonesian region, the researchers' report said.

    The scientists found that the nutritionally well-off Sumatran orangutans differed most strikingly from Pongo pygmaeus morio, one of the three subspecies occupying the island of Borneo. The morio subspecies lives in the northeastern part of the island where soils are poorer, access to fruit is most iffy and the impact of El Niño events can be significant.

    Those factors "converge to produce an environment for orangutans of eastern Borneo that is at times seriously resource-limited," the scientists wrote. During extensive fruit-short periods, the animals have to "resort to fallback foods with reduced energy and protein content, such as vegetation and bark," they added.

    In previous studies, reported in the April 2006 issue of the Journal of Human Evolution, Taylor found evidence that orangs living in Borneo's northeast have jaws that are better able to handle tougher varieties of food than orangutans in other parts of Borneo or Sumatra.

    This improved feeding efficiency, coupled with a relatively small brain, would enable such animals to adapt to their conditions by both maximizing their resources and conserving energy, she said.

    In addition, studies by van Schaik and other scientists have suggested that Borneo's morio orangs bear offspring more frequently than do Sumatra's orangs. Such relatively short intervals between births could themselves be tied to smaller brains in such higher primates as orangutans, van Schaik and Taylor wrote in their current report.

    "Larger-brained apes have slower-paced life histories," they said. "Assuming selection is acting on brain size, life history is prolonged because development of larger brains require more time."

    Their previous work led Taylor, an anatomist who studies bones, to begin collaborating with van Schaik, a field biologist who studies living orangs in the wilds, to address the question of whether nutrition, brain size and interbirth intervals might be linked.

    Other scientists working in the 1980s had found no differences in brain size among orangs from Borneo and Sumatra, Taylor said. But that work sampled animals only from west Borneo and not from resource-limited east Borneo, she added.

    In their own studies, as well as in studies by other researchers, "we see greater anatomical differences amongst the Bornean populations than we see between the Bornean and Sumatran populations," Taylor said.

    In addition to having physical differences, Bornean orangs also inhabit areas that vary more ecologically than do comparative orangutan habitats on Sumatra. "The eastern parts of Borneo suffer more from El Niño-related droughts than parts of western Borneo," the scientists wrote. "The effects of El Niño on tropical rain forest composition and diversity are also more marked in eastern compared to western parts."

    So Taylor and van Schaik undertook "a comprehensive re-evaluation of brain size among all orangutan species and subspecies," they wrote.

    Since they couldn't measure brain size in wild, living members of these endangered animals, Taylor sought out skulls from museums and other sources. In all, they compared 226 adult specimens from the four distinct populations occupying Sumatra and Borneo.

    Among these populations, orangutans of the Pongo pygmaeus morio species on Borneo "consistently exhibit the absolutely and relatively smallest cranial capacity," the researchers concluded. Although the researchers found reduced brain sizes in both male and female orangutans, the differences within the small group of animals studied were statistically significant only for the females, they noted.

    As to what may cause the gender difference, the researchers note that female morio are notably smaller than their male counterparts and that they generally are at greater risk for nutritional stress because of pregnancy and lactation and their smaller homes ranges.

    "The general scenario supported by these results, then, is that an increase in the frequency of uncontrollable periods of low energy intake in one part of the orangutan's geographic range selected for a reduction in brain size," the researchers said.

    Similar evolutionary pressures within resource-poor environments also may explain the smaller-than-normal brain size of a controversial 18,000-year-old skull recently found on the Indonesian island of Flores, Taylor and van Schaik said in their article.

    In announcing the find in 2004, the skull's discoverers suggested that the small-brained specimen represented a new dwarf early human species that somehow survived until fairly recently. Critics argue that it actually is a modern human afflicted with microcephaly, a genetic disorder characterized by an abnormally small head and an underdeveloped brain.

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    La primera migración

    La primera migración
    1. Una paleontóloga de Cambridge propone que los 'Homo sapiens' modernos poblaron la Tierra en dos oleadas
    2. Los aborígenes australianos son la herencia de la más antigua


    Hace 70.000 años, unas tribus de Homo sapiens dejaron su cuna africana y se lanzaron a la colonización del mundo: partiendo de la actual Eritrea, cruzaron el estrecho de Bab el Mandeb, alcanzaron la península Arábiga y, con el paso de las generaciones, bordeando las costas o saltando de isla en isla, hollaron la lejana Australia hace 60.000 años. Los primeros emigrantes modernos llegaron ciertamente lejos, pues cubrieron 12.000 kilómetros, pero su éxito demográfico fue más bien escaso: la herencia genética de aquellas poblaciones solo es detectable hoy en día en unos cuantos miles de personas en Australia y en recónditos rincones de Asia oriental y el Índico.
    No hay más herencia visible. Lo dice la genética: o se extinguieron o fueron asimilados sin dejar rastro, puesto que todo el resto del mundo, incluyendo el resto de África, desciende de una segunda expansión mucho más exitosa que aconteció hace 50.000 años. Esto es al menos lo que propone
    Marta Mirazón Lahr, paleoantropóloga de la Universidad de Cambridge (Reino Unido), para quien las dos migraciones son la única forma de explicar las particularidades de los nativos australianos. Mirazón participó en un congreso en Barcelona invitada por el programa de ciencia de la Obra Social La Caixa.

    "Es cierto que los estudios genéticos apuntan hacia una única migración porque todos los humanos somos muy parecidos, pero cuando uno estudia la morfología y las herramientas de los antiguos australianos se da cuenta de que algo no encaja", afirma.

    Avance del desierto

    Una crisis climática que desertizó el África tropical fue posiblemente el acicate que hace 70.000 años amplió los horizontes del Homo sapiens. Eso sí, fueron muy pocos, "quizá 500 o 1.000", los que realmente cruzaron Bab el Mandeb. Los colonizadores, adaptados a una dieta más marinera, siguieron por la costa de lo que hoy es Irán hasta llegar al delta del Indo y la India. Aunque varios estudios lo sugieren, Mirazón no cree que la colonización definitiva del planeta partiera de las poblaciones que se instalaron en esas regiones: "Habría que atravesar desiertos o bien los montes Zagros o el Himalaya. No parece fácil". En cambio, la paleoantropóloga considera que los sapiens de aquella época ya tenían suficiente destreza marinera como para sortear los numerosos estrechos que llevan a Australia, incluyendo uno último de 90 kilómetros de anchura. "Podían fabricar barcazas capaces de transportar a varias familias".
    Uno de los escollos de la hipótesis de las dos migraciones es que no se han encontrado restos ni descendientes en la India, territorio por el que forzosamente debieron de pasar aquellos primitivos colonizadores. Mirazón Lahr afirma que la erupción del volcán Toba (Indonesia), la mayor en el último millón de años en la Tierra, pudo abocar a la extinción a las comunidades locales en la India y sepultar cualquier resto arqueológico. En su opinión, no es nada descabellado pensar en grandes extinciones porque la humanidad ha sufrido varios cuellos de botella en los últimos 200.000 años.
    La migración de hace 70.000 años no ha dejado huella visible en la India, al menos por ahora, pero en cambio sí hay una indudable herencia en poblaciones actuales de las islas Nicobar y Andamán y en núcleos aislados de Filipinas, Malaisia e Indonesia. "Son tribus que quedaron arrinconadas". Originariamente, estas poblaciones reliquias no eran sustancialmente diferentes al grueso de los humanos modernos, pero el aislamiento acentuó ciertos rasgos, como la baja estatura, dice Mirazón.
    ¿Las diferencias entre los antepasados de los aborígenes australianos y el resto de la población mundial son debidas a una evolución separada, fruto del aislamiento, o a diferentes orígenes africanos? "No tenemos ni idea del proceso de diferenciación dentro de África que llevó al origen del hombre moderno hace 150.000 años. En líneas generales, los colonizadores de ambas migraciones eran muy parecidos, pero no creo salieran de los mismos linajes", concluye la paleontropóloga.

    Fuente: El Periódico de Catalunya, 24-10-2006,

    DNA trail points to human brain evolution

    DNA trail points to human brain evolution 12:01 11 October 2006 news service
    Roxanne Khamsi


    The human brain may have evolved beyond that of our primate cousins because our brain cells are better at sticking in place, researchers say.

    A new study comparing the genomes of humans, chimps, monkeys and mice found an unexpectedly high degree of genetic difference in the human DNA regions that influence nerve cell adhesion, compared with the DNA of the other animals.

    Accelerated evolution here allowed human brain cell connections to form with greater complexity, enabling us to grow bigger brains, the researchers suggest.

    The genetic assembly of the ten billion neurons in the human brain relies on precise expression of adhesion molecules that allow for thousands of connections between neurons and the matrix of proteins around them.

    “Cell adhesion controls many aspects of brain development” including growth and structure, says Shyam Prabhakar at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, California, US, who carried out the genetic analysis with colleagues.

    Tests are now needed to reveal whether levels of proteins involved in nerve adhesion do in fact physically differ between the brains of monkeys, chimps and humans, as suggested by the DNA findings. “We don’t have any [physical] changes to link the genetic changes to,” explains Todd Preuss at Yerkes National Primate Research Center in Atlanta, Georgia, US.

    Prabhakar will present the findings at the American Society of Human Genetics meeting in New Orleans, US, this week.

    ¿Qué nos hace diferentes?

    ¿Qué nos hace diferentes?

    La revista "Time" dedica a su tema de portada un interesante artículo sobre qué nos hace diferentes del resto de primates.

    Podeis encontrar el artículo en:

    Time, October 9, vol.168, no.15. What make us different? By Michael D. Lemonick & Andrea Dorfman,9171,1541283,00.html


    Hallado en Etiopía el fósil de una niña con rasgos simiescos de hace 3,3 millones de años

    Hallado en Etiopía el fósil de una niña con rasgos simiescos de hace 3,3 millones de años



    Un equipo de investigadores dirigidos por el Instituto Max Plank de Antropología Evolutiva en Leipzig (Alemania) ha descubierto en Etiopía el fósil de una niña de hace 3,3 millones de años de la especie Astrolopithecus afarensis y que tiene rasgos simiescos. Las conclusiones de su estudio se publican esta semana en la revista Nature.

    Los investigadores han descubierto los restos fósiles de una niña de esta primitiva especie humana, a la que pertenece el fósil de Lucy. El esqueleto representa el descubrimiento de los primeros restos infantiles en este periodo de la evolución humana, lo que lo convierte en el niño más antiguo descubierto hasta el momento.

    Caminaba erguido

    El fósil, que posee 3,3 millones de años de antigüedad, y fue descubierto en una excavación en Dikika (Etiopía), pertenece probablemente a una niña que tenía no más de tres años cuando murió. Las características del esqueleto apoyan la teoría de que el Astrolopithecus afarensis caminó erguido, pero los brazos similares a los del gorila sugieren que podría haber tenido la capacidad de balancearse a través de los árboles.

    El descubrimiento fue realizado en una región, denominada Formación Hadar, que posee importantes antecedentes de hallazgos fósiles.
    Más información:

    Report Reignites Feud Over ‘Little People of Flores

    Report Reignites Feud Over ‘Little People of Flores By JOHN NOBLE WILFORD

    After the 18,000-year-old bones of diminutive people were found on the Indonesian island of Flores, the discoverers announced two years ago that these were remains of a previously unknown species of the ancestral human family. They gave it the name Homo floresiensis.

    Doubts were raised almost immediately. But only now have opposing scientists from Indonesia, Australia and the United States weighed in with a comprehensive analysis based on their own first-hand examination of the bones and a single mostly complete skull.

    The evidence, they reported yesterday, strongly supports their doubts. The discoverers, however, hastened to defend their initial new-species interpretation.

    The critics concluded in an article in the current issue of The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that the “little people of Flores,” as they are often called, were not a newfound extinct species.

    They were, instead, modern Homo sapiens who resemble pygmies now living in the region and, as suggested in particular by the skull, appear to have been afflicted with the developmental disorder microcephaly, which causes the head and brain to be much smaller than average.

    The international team of paleontologists, anatomists and other researchers who conducted the study was headed by Teuku Jacob of Gadjah Mada University, who is one of Indonesia’s senior paleontologists.

    In the report, Dr. Jacob and his colleagues cited 140 features of the skull that they said placed it “within modern human ranges of variation.” They also noted features of two jaws and some teeth that “either show no substantial deviation from modern Homo sapiens or share features (receding chins and rotated premolars) with Rampasasa pygmies now living near Liang Bua Cave,” where the discovery was made.

    “We have eliminated the idea of a new species,” Robert B. Eckhardt, a professor of developmental genetics at Penn State who was a team member, said in a telephone interview. “After a time, this will be admitted.”

    That time has not yet come.

    Peter Brown, a paleontologist at the University of New England in Armidale, Australia, who was a leader of the team that discovered the “little people” bones, took sharp issue with the new report.

    In an e-mail message, Dr. Brown said, “The authors provide absolutely no evidence that the unique combination of features found in Homo floresiensis are found in any modern humans.”

    The features he referred to include body size, body proportions, brain size, receding chin, shape of premolar teeth and their roots, and the shape and projection of the brow ridge. But the critics asserted that many of the features in the specimen with the cranium, said to be diagnostic of a new species, are present in the Rampasasa pygmies.

    Dr. Brown said the critics’ claim of “the asymmetry of the skull being the result of abnormal growth is fiction.” The skeleton was buried deep in sediment, he said, and this brought on “some slight distortion.”

    In response, Dr. Eckhardt said, “Our paper accounts neatly for everything we see in the asymmetry” of the face and other parts of the skeletons.

    Dr. Brown said an independent study led by Debbie Argue, an anthropologist at the Australian National University in Canberra, discounted microcephaly as an explanation. He said the report, accepted for publication in The Journal of Human Evolution, “completely supports my arguments for a new species.”

    Dr. Argue’s group, which included Colin Groves, also of the Australian National University and an authority on primate taxonomy, wrote that its comparisons of the Flores specimen with modern and early humans, pygmies and microcephalic humans showed it was unlikely that the skull belonged to a microcephalic human or to any known species.

    The bones at the center of the controversy were excavated from a limestone cave on Flores, an island 370 miles east of Bali, by Australian and Indonesian archaeologists.

    The most complete specimen was estimated to be 18,000 years old, and other remains of as many as seven other individuals ranged from 95,000 to 13,000 years old.

    The Floresian adults stood just three and a half feet high and had brains of 380 cubic centimeters, about the size of the apelike human ancestors known as australopithecines, which lived more than three million years ago.

    The find was announced in October 2004 in the journal Nature by a group headed by Michael J. Morwood, also of the University of New England. Dr. Brown was the lead author of a companion report that assigned the little people to a new human species.

    In the time since, the dispute over the interpretation has often veered in nonscientific directions, sometimes trampling on national pride.

    Indonesian paleontologists complained that the Australian scientists took most of the credit for the discovery and put their own stamp on the interpretations. They were also upset by what they said was the limited access they had to the specimens for their own analysis.

    The discoverers countered that the Indonesian researchers had mishandled the bones. They also disparaged the quality of the critics’ research, noting that several of their rebuttals were rejected for publication in prominent journals.

    On one aspect of the debate, Dr. Brown said, the discovery team has backed down. He had proposed that Homo erectus, an immediate predecessor to Homo sapiens, reached Flores 840,000 years ago and, in isolation, evolved into Homo floresiensis.

    “I have moved away from the isolation and dwarfing argument,” Dr. Brown has said. “Seems most likely that they arrived small brained and small bodied.”

    In their new report, the critics emphasized the facial asymmetry of the single skull specimen, known as LB1. A team member, David W. Frayer of the University of Kansas, composed split photographs of LB1’s face, combining two left or two right sides as composite faces. The dissimilarities between the original face and the two left or right composites were striking, he said.

    Although most faces are not perfectly symmetrical, the scientists said, some of the differences in the two sides of the LB1 face exceeded “clinical norms” and “provided evidence for rejecting any contention that the LB1 cranium is developmentally normal.”

    Maciej Henneberg, an anatomist at the University of Adelaide, Australia, and an author of the new report, said that many characteristics of the face point to a growth disorder, but that it would require much more research “to diagnose the specific syndrome present.”

    Of 184 syndromes that include microcephaly, 57 cause short stature, and some also include facial asymmetry and dental anomalies. The critics said one of the next steps would be for scientists specializing in developmental disorders to join the hunt for the particular syndrome that afflicted at least one, and perhaps more of the extinct little people.

    As for the species question, some scientists said it might take DNA tests to place the Floresians securely within the modern human family or somewhere on a slightly separate branch as a separate species.

    Publicado en NEW YORK TIMES:

    Human Ancestors May Have Hit the Ground Running

    Human Ancestors May Have Hit the Ground Running

    New findings raise the interesting possibility that the step from a tree-dwelling ape to a terrestrial biped might not have been as drastic as previously thought.

    Scientists find muscles gibbons use for climbing and swinging through trees might also help the apes run.

    Humans are the upright apes, but much remains unknown as to how our ancestors first found their footing. To shed light on the past, Evie Vereecke at the University of Antwerp in Belgium and her colleagues looked at how modern cousins of humanity such as gibbons and bonobos amble.

    For two months, Vereecke's team monitored how four white-handed gibbons at a local zoo strode at speeds ranging from strolls to sprints across a 13-foot-long walkway surrounded with video cameras and loaded with scientific instruments such as force plates and pressure mats.

    The gibbons collaborated well, "especially when you rewarded them with some raisins," Vereecke said.

    Walking vs. running

    While bonobos are our closest relatives and probably have a similar anatomy to our ancestors, gibbons are the most bipedal nonhuman apes, and the researchers wanted to see whether their gaits resembled any of humans.

    Walking saves energy by converting the kinetic energy from a step to potential energy as walkers move over their supporting feet, energy that is ready to get recovered back as kinetic energy when walkers move into their next step. Running, on the other hand, stores energy from each bound as elastic energy in the tendons, muscles and ligaments before it gets recycled back as recoil for the next step.

    Most legged animals walk at low speeds and run, trot, hop or gallop at high speeds. By monitoring how much force the gibbons stepped down with, the researchers calculated that gibbons almost always seemed to bounce along using the energetics linked with running, even though their footfall patterns were more like those of walks, the scientists reported in the Journal of Experimental Biology.

    This suggests the step for humans from a tree-dwelling ape to a terrestrial biped might not have been as drastic as previously thought, Vereecke said.

    Hop on down

    The bouncy energetics of running makes sense for tree-dwellers, since the stiff-legged motions often associated with walking can shake the unsteady branches the apes might find themselves on.

    When it comes to how the ancestors of humans started on their legs, scientists are divided between the terrestrial theory, assuming we became bipedal through a four-legged stage on the ground, or the arboreal theory, that sees the biomechanics of climbing and swinging through trees as potential precursors for bipedalism.

    These findings support the arboreal theory, although they do not exclude the terrestrial one.


    By Charles Q. Choi
    Special to LiveScience
    posted: 24 July 2006
    01:36 pm ET

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